Sunday, 21 January 2018



I stood in the midst of the woods
like a page out of little red riding hood,
my flint on the ground my hands steady,
I struck a match and…
I lost the sun.

I stretched out beside the fire.
Its heat, my hands to warm...
Its light, my fear to ease...
But, I didn’t know I was deep in a mire
For before I could relax,
I lost the sun.

Asleep, yet awake
A sturdy soldier, I could never make...
My back rested on the tree,
My head on my chest,
As the crickets beat a steady drum on my knee...
I counted hours, while minutes crawled
I prayed for day, but night stayed,
And when dawn was come....

I lost the sun.

I heard a loud noise,
and with it, a cacophony of voices.
I turned, frantic, a refuge to seek.
In my panic, I called out
but all I heard was naught
My fear arose
I lost the sun.

How did I wander?
I began to ponder...
For I was safe
In the refuge of the cave.
There, light was ever,
and the chill of darkness never.
It is an irony,
The idea, corny..
I stepped out of it, and….
I lost the sun.

Where is my lover?
In his arms, I want for no other.
Why did I leave his arms to run into the hell of the wild?
Tell my lover, I seek him,
I want to be close to his heart.
For the moment I stopped hearing it’s beat...
I lost the sun.

The forest was unfathomable...
My determination, indefatigable.
My desperation, inestimable
As I sought my inamoroto…
The voices closed around me.
My life, they threatened to steal
I walked, I ran, I flew
and in my despair, I only knew
I’d lost the sun.

I ran into a clearing
My steps anything but stealth.
The thorns, my skin, did tear
The dust, my face, did smear
I looked up, and there on a hill
was my lover, dying for me.
The tears came unbidden;
Its track on my cheeks, not hidden.
For at a place I’d least expect,
I found the SON.

The sharps rocks tore my feet
but I didn’t feel its prick.
My concern was for my lover
His suffering, I couldn’t bear
I knelt at foot of the cross
Where He’d been crucified
His wounds I wasn’t allowed to nurse.
Although they were for me and mine
He whispered, AND IT THUNDERED
"Though I’d been murdered
I’m here because I Love you"

His words were to my soul a balm
For in a place I did least expect...



  1. Wow... Truly, I found the SON who found me before the foundation of the world. #Jesus love


Ode to the voice inside my ❤️ Heart.

 I heard you before I knew my name. My cries knew your soothing and my laughter knew your jokes You spoke to me before my mother's voice...