Tuesday, 21 December 2021



Hello journal, today I have a lot to tell you. 
 I really have so much to say.

I started a new diet a month ago. 

It is called Dr Slim diet. 

Pretty obvious, huh. 

That's my life now. 

A life that consists of vegetables, fruits, powder and eggs coming together for the sole purpose of purging my soul of its heaviness.

Whew... The depth...

Seriously, the concotion that has become my daily bread has the significant taste of acid. 

The acid makes me smile bitterly whenever my tongue tastes it's horror.

Maybe the reason I have become addicted to it is because it's puke color and sour taste reminds me of my reality.

The reality I live is to please all who think my mould is offensive.

They say that the shape of my silhouette makes shadows endless. 

They say that my cheeks look like heavy burdens that have not been cast down.

They say that my feet could out stomp an elephant's tirade.

They say that 'perfect' is a place I will never see, like Moses, I will imagine if the milk and honey flow in tandem but I will never see their blend.

They speak and speak with speech sharp like daggers and bullets.

Why do I even bother????

I heard, not from them, that I was made from thoughts as beautiful as sunrise,
Carved from hands that coloured the Rainbow,
Formed from the image that blinks twinkles into stars.

It sounds too good to be true.

Gotta go now.

Wednesday, 8 December 2021


His hands looked like an endless hammer
I know because my body knows how accurate they are.

I know.
Now I know my speech is an unnecessary tone
My laughter, a distant memory
My voice... a reality I can no more define.

School is the environment.
Junior is my predicament.
Surprise was my instant recognition.
Pain became an affirmative welcome.

I don't know who to tell
That my back breaks a little when he staggers into the classroom
His eyes find me in the hole in my mind
His smile promises me of horror
His presence darkens the day
His menace weakens my fight

Who do I tell
That I lied in my report
The black eye the nurse treated has come to stay
He knows now that my vision was all I had left

Who will tell my parents
That school has become prison
Learning is a reality I do not comprehend
Joy is a word I know only how to spell.

Help me!!

To all that have been victims of bully. 
To those who still are.
Jesus knows.
He will swoop down for you.

Ode to the voice inside my ❤️ Heart.

 I heard you before I knew my name. My cries knew your soothing and my laughter knew your jokes You spoke to me before my mother's voice...